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Over 26 CMUZens received today their Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES) under the Tulong Dunong Program. Funded by the Commmission on Higher Education, the distribution to CMUZens was made possible through the efforts of Cong. Jaye Lacson-Noel.
In her heartfelt speech, Cong. Lacson-Noel emphasized the importance of finishing education which was her advocacy for a long time now.
“CMU has always been close to my heart since I became a Congresswoman. I endeavor to continue and to propose more projects for our dear university to ensure that CMU will be better and brighter for future generations,” she said.
OIC-President Dr. Sheila Ibay-Villanueva shared some insights and advice on how CMUZens can further their goals by way of TES and other opportunities.
“The recipe for success are opportunity and desire. Not everyone is given the chance to finish their studies so you must cherish and take advantage of this opportunity. Paired with your ardent desire to be successful, it is only a matter of time for you to reach your dreams.”