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The CMU Post

The Expanded Management Committee, headed by the esteemed University President, Dr. Glen DV. De Leon, recently convened to conduct a final review and deliberation of the proposed City of Malabon University Local Development Investment Plan for the period 2023–2025.
This crucial meeting served as a platform for in-depth discussions and analysis of the proposed programs, projects, and activities across various key areas of our esteemed institution. Thorough examination of target outcomes, implementation timelines, and budget allocations took place, ensuring a meticulous evaluation of each aspect of the plan.
The comprehensive output generated from this highly productive session will soon be presented to the esteemed City Government of Malabon for their valuable approval. The University remains committed to collaborating closely with the local authorities in driving sustainable development initiatives that positively impact our institution and the community we proudly serve.
As we eagerly anticipate the final approval, City of Malabon University remains dedicated to fostering academic excellence and community growth. We firmly believe that the proposed Local Development Investment Plan will serve as a catalyst for progress and contribute significantly to the advancement of our beloved city.