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The City of Malabon University has been awarded the Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for its Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Bachelor of Science in Social Work Programs. This achievement, granted on June 16, 2023, is attributed to the unwavering support of Hon. Jeannie Sandoval, our Board of Regents Chair and City Mayor, as well as the dedication and efforts of the university officials, faculty, and personnel, led by Dr. Glen DV. De Leon, the University President. The recognition marks a significant milestone, emphasizing the institution’s commitment to providing quality education and preparing professionals in the fields of Criminology and Social Work. The university pledges to continue nurturing an environment that promotes growth, knowledge, and societal impact. This triumph positions the City of Malabon University as an emblem of excellence and a beacon of hope for students seeking comprehensive education.