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Announcement Events
The City of Malabon University is gearing up for a momentous occasion as it prepares for the grand inauguration and Oath of Office of its 8th President, Dr. Glen DV. De Leon, CPA. This significant event is scheduled to take place on June 30, 2023 (Friday) at the prestigious Malabon Sports Center, commencing at 2:00 p.m.
Under the visionary leadership of Dr. De Leon, CMU is poised to soar to greater heights, embracing the challenges of the future while nurturing the values and traditions that have shaped the university’s identity.
To ensure that the momentous event reaches a wider audience, the university has arranged for a live stream of the ceremony, which will be broadcasted on the official Facebook page of CMU. This will enable alumni, supporters, and well-wishers to witness this remarkable milestone as it unfolds.