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On December 4, 2023, the City of Malabon University’s National Services Training Program (NSTP) organized a blood letting activity in collaboration with the Red Cross Malabon Chapter, with the theme: Every Drop Counts at CMU Hall.
The activity was led by Cong. Ricky Sandoval, Chairman of the Philippine Red Cross Malabon Chapter, and Hon. Jeannie Sandoval, City Mayor, witnessed the participation of our dedicated students. Their hard work and commitment resulted in the successful donation of 188 bags of blood, contributing significantly to this noble cause.
We would like to acknowledge the support of our University President, Dr. Glen DV. De Leon, NSTP Director, Dr. Porfirio Catolico Jr., NSTP Coordinator, Ms. Shanen Calinawagan, as well as the dedication of our CWTS Instructors and ROTC Training Staff. Your guidance and leadership played a pivotal role in the success of this initiative.
This collaboration underscores our commitment to the betterment of our nation. Together, we made Every Drop Count.
For further details kindly refer to the link: http://tinyurl.com/CMU-Redcross-Blood-Letting