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The City of Malabon University proudly announces its membership in the Metropolitan Manila Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development Consortium (MMIEERDC), a key initiative under the Department of Science and Technology, National Capital Region (DOST-NCR). Designating the university’s Deputy Chair for the Committee on Linkages and Resource Generation within the Consortium is a distinct honor.
This marks a milestone, aligning the university’s commitment to academic excellence with the Consortium’s mission to foster collaboration among academia, industries, and government entities. Attended by key figures on December 14, 2023, at Trinity University of Asia, the event showcased the dedication of Dr. Allie V. Agustin, Dr. Cayetano Nicolas, and Dr. Janine M. Dela Cruz. The City of Malabon University, renowned for research productivity and forging meaningful partnerships, envisions driving innovative linkages and resource generation, contributing to community welfare, and advancing sustainable technological progress.
This collaboration underscores a joint pursuit of innovation, solidifying the university’s role in shaping the future of industry, energy, and emerging technologies.
For further details kindly refer to the link: http://tinyurl.com/MMIEERDC-DOST