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The City of Malabon University recently celebrated its University Week with a focus on employee well-being. Spearheaded by the Human Resource Management Office (HRMO), the event showcased a program titled “Refresh and Rejuvenate: A Personal Wellness Day” on March 19, 2024.
A highlight of the event was a seminar titled “Fostering Mental Health and Self-Care” conducted by Dr. Lorelie Vinluan from the UP-Diliman Division of Educational Leadership and Professional Services. Dr. Vinluan provided valuable insights and strategies to promote mental health and self-care practices among employees.
The seminar served as a platform for fostering awareness and understanding of the importance of mental health in the workplace, emphasizing the significance of self-care in maintaining overall well-being. Through informative sessions and engaging discussions, participants gained practical tools to prioritize their mental and emotional health, contributing to a more supportive and thriving work environment at Malabon University.
For further details kindly refer to the link: https://tinyurl.com/CMU-Mental-Health-Seminar