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CMU Official
The City of Malabon University’s Student Affairs Office organized an Anti-Terrorism and Drug Prevention Seminar on April 4, 2024, with 223 student participants.
The event aimed to raise awareness about terrorism and drug abuse threats. Dr. Rubi Ana A. Saludario welcomed attendees, stressing vigilance against terrorism and drug abuse. Guest speakers, including Mr. Dennis Godfrey F. Gammad, shared strategies for combating terrorism. The seminar then shifted to drug prevention and abuse awareness, led by Mr. Vrix John Sarmiento and Ms. Victoria Gonzales. Dr. William DC. Enrique, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, delivered the closing remarks on behalf of University President Dr. Glen DV. De Leon, urging attendees to apply gained knowledge for societal betterment.
The seminar fostered dialogue and education on critical issues, aiming for a safer future.
For further details kindly refer to the link: https://tinyurl.com/Anti-Terrorism-Drug-Prevention