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CMU Official
On April 19, 2024, the City of Malabon University (CMU) convened its second session of Strategic Planning, marking another significant step in charting the institution’s path towards academic distinction and societal impact. Led by University President, Dr. Glen DV. De Leon, this dynamic gathering brought together university officials representing diverse areas of expertise and administrative responsibilities.
The session was characterized by a spirit of collaboration and shared purpose, as university officials were organized into four distinct groups, each tasked with addressing critical aspects of CMU’s strategic priorities:
Group 1: The Academic Department Group, led by Dr. Jose Rapsing, Dean of the College of Teacher Education, this group presented a comprehensive array of proposed projects, activities, and programs aimed at curriculum development, faculty enhancement training, and program enhancement. Recognizing the pivotal role of academic excellence in CMU’s mission, the group’s deliberations centered on strategies to elevate teaching and learning standards, foster innovation in pedagogy, and align academic offerings with emerging industry trends and societal needs.
Group 2: Student Personnel Services and Linkages, under the guidance of Ms. Joana Flores, University Librarian, this group explored various collaboration methods to enhance library services, health programs, student affairs, and strengthen industry linkages. Recognizing the holistic development of students as paramount, the group emphasized the importance of providing comprehensive support services to nurture the physical, emotional, and social well-being of CMU’s diverse student body.
Group 3: Community Extension Services, this group focused on strengthening community extension efforts and fostering meaningful collaborations with local stakeholders. Through innovative outreach initiatives and community partnerships, the group aimed to address pressing societal challenges, promote civic engagement, and empower communities to become agents of positive change.
Group 4: Administration Group, chaired by Prof. Rich Eliza Fulgencio, Budget Officer, this group deliberated on the university’s administrative priorities, including personnel development, facility improvement, and the continuity of school operational activities. With a keen eye on resource allocation and strategic management, the group sought to optimize administrative processes and infrastructure to support CMU’s overarching mission and strategic objectives.
Facilitated by Dr. Willam DC. Enrique, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Allie V. Agustin, University Secretary and Head of Planning and Development, the session provided a platform for lively discussion, innovative thinking, and consensus-building. Through collaborative dialogue and collective brainstorming, participants identified actionable strategies and concrete steps to advance CMU’s strategic agenda and realize its vision of academic excellence and community engagement.
As the session concluded, participants emerged with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to realizing CMU’s ambitious goals. With a clear roadmap in place and a spirit of collaboration guiding its efforts, CMU stands poised to make meaningful strides toward its aspirational vision, leaving an indelible mark on the educational landscape and the communities it serves.
For further details kindly refer to the link: https://tinyurl.com/CMU-Planning-Session-2