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CMU Official
On April 17, 2024, City of Malabon University (CMU) embarked on a transformative journey as it convened its 2025 Strategic Planning Session, a pivotal moment in shaping the institution’s trajectory for the upcoming academic year 2024-2025. Led by University President, Dr. Glen DV. De Leon, this landmark gathering brought together key stakeholders and university officials to chart a course for progress and excellence.
Amidst the backdrop of rapid technological advancements and evolving educational landscapes, the session delved into crucial discussions centered on the university’s overarching goals and priorities. Foremost among these priorities was the integration of technology across all facets of academic and administrative functions, recognizing its pivotal role in enhancing teaching, learning, and operational efficiency.
Furthermore, participants engaged in dialogue aimed at fortifying the research capabilities of both faculty and students, acknowledging the indispensable role of scholarly inquiry in driving innovation and intellectual growth. Emphasis was placed on fostering a culture of inquiry, collaboration, and academic rigor to propel CMU to the forefront of cutting-edge research and discovery.
Integral to CMU’s mission is the cultivation of values-driven leaders equipped with a strong ethical compass. As such, the session dedicated significant attention to values formation, underscoring the university’s commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals grounded in principles of integrity, compassion, and social responsibility.
A critical aspect of the strategic planning process revolved around budget allocation for school-wide activities, ensuring prudent fiscal management and resource optimization in support of CMU’s strategic objectives. Participants engaged in deliberations to prioritize funding initiatives that align with the institution’s overarching mission and strategic priorities.
In addition, the session facilitated a comprehensive review of the university’s 5-Year Development Plan, aimed at evaluating progress, identifying areas for improvement, and recalibrating strategies to ensure the attainment of key result areas (KRAs). Through a systematic and data-driven approach, participants assessed the efficacy of existing initiatives and proposed actionable steps to address emerging challenges and opportunities.
As the Strategic Planning Session drew to a close, participants emerged with a renewed sense of purpose and collective resolve to propel CMU towards its aspirational vision of excellence. Armed with a clear roadmap and unwavering commitment to innovation and continuous improvement, CMU stands poised to embrace the future with confidence and resilience, guided by its steadfast dedication to academic excellence, integrity, and service to society.
For further details kindly refer to the link: https://tinyurl.com/CMU-Planning-Session-1