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The CMU Post
Today, we come together to celebrate the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the loving mother of Jesus Christ.
In a spirit of reverence and unity, the City of Malabon University gathered at CMU Hall for a Eucharistic Mass presided over by the revered Rev. Fr. Jerome Ponce, OFM. This sacred occasion was graced by the presence of our dedicated CMU faculty, staff, and students.
As we move forward, let the light of today’s Mass guide us in our academic journey, reminding us of the importance of faith, love, and unity. May the spirit of the Blessed Virgin Mary shine upon our endeavors and bless us with wisdom and compassion.
Together, let us walk in her footsteps and carry her spirit in our hearts, fostering an atmosphere of love and understanding within our beloved City of Malabon University.
For further details kindly refer to the link :https://tinyurl.com/blessed-mary