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The City of Malabon University deeply appreciates Senator Imee Marcos for her generous contribution to the education of 2,000 students through the AICS Program. This grant will surely help our students address their educational needs.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated BOR Chairman and City Mayor, Hon. Jeannie Sandoval, for her unwavering commitment to ensuring that our City Scholars receive the educational support they need from our valued benefactors.
We would also like to express our gratitude to Dr. Alexander Rosete, our City Administrator, and all City Employees for their diligent efforts in ensuring the successful distribution of Educational Cash Assistance.
Special recognition goes to the DSWD Personnel for their instrumental role in facilitating the payout process.
It is through the collective efforts of our CMU Officials and personnel that we have made this event a resounding success. Thank you all for your dedication and hard work in making education accessible to our deserving students.
For further details kindly refer to the link :https://tinyurl.com/AICS-Program