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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23


The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCPE) is a combination of electrical engineering and computer science. The program prepares students with knowledge and skills in mathematics, software, and engineering. It covers topics on how to design a microprocessor and develop embedded systems that are used in desktop or handheld devices. The program also equips students with the ability to analyze, plan, design, install, operate and maintain digital devices, computer hardware, and software systems. This program will produce computer engineers who are versatile and knowledgeable in computer science and electrical engineering, as well as in the foundations of mathematics and sciences. Also, computer engineers are expected to be life-long learners to maintain their knowledge and skills within their chosen discipline.


  • Design Engineer
  • Applications Programmer
  • Network Engineer
  • Data Analyst
  • Database Administrator
  • Project Manager
  • Cybersecurity Specialist
  • IOT Specialist