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+1 -800-456-478-23


Due to the rising cases of COVID-19 in the City, the CMU Management will suspend all face-to-face transactions at the Registrar’s Office until  further notice.

Kindly transact or request an online google form through this QR code.

Step 1: Tap your camera app to open or choose the Viber app camera
Step: 2: Scan QR CODE Scanner then fill up & submit the online document requisition

Download any QR CODE Scanner, Scan QR code then fill up & submit the online document requisition

Step 1: Open Camera app then scan QR CODE
Step 2: Click the pop-up link
Step 3: Fill up & submit the online document requisition

For those who don’t have a scanner, please proceed to this link: https://bit.ly/38ZKaj6

Thank you for your understanding and be safe everyone!