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City of Malabon University (CMU) joined the Metro-Manila Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill on March 9, 2023, Thursday at 2 pm, as part of our continuous effort to promote disaster preparedness and resilience. All CMU personnel on site, including faculty, staff, and students, actively participated in the exercise.
This drill aims to simulate a 7.2 magnitude earthquake scenario and evaluate the readiness and response capabilities of CMU in the event of an actual earthquake. During the drill, all CMU personnel followed the proper procedures and protocols, such as the “Duck, Cover, and Hold On” technique, evacuation procedures, and first aid response.
Through continuous training and disaster preparedness initiatives, CMU also aims to equip its personnel and students with the necessary skills and knowledge to respond to emergencies effectively. The university’s strong commitment to disaster preparedness also aligns with the Philippine government’s goal to build a resilient nation that can effectively respond to and recover from disasters.